
For best available rates and offers, you are kindly invited to use our 'Book On Line quick reservation box'.

Best Rates Guaranteed!

Hotel Prestige ensures the best conditions available on the market. If you find a lower rate than the one offered directly on our website, through our Book On Line system, please email us within 24 hours and we will apply the lower rate.

Booking through our website gives the following advantages

  • Our Book On Line system uses a secure server, according to the world standard encryption Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 128 bit.
    This System is safe and reliable thus ensuring credit card transactions and the protection of personal data according to the Italian Law (art. 13D LGS. 196/2003).
  • You can contact our staff at any time to request additional information about your stay, transfers or excursions, simply by writing to:
  • You will have access to our special offers and packages
Should the reservation system fail to offer availability for the requested period, please contact our reservation centre by filling in the form below.

You will receive confirmation of your booking by e-mail.

Rates provided through our Book On Line system, include continental buffet breakfast, service and 10% VAT. 
Do not include the city tax, that is applied from 1st April to 31 October. City tax cost €4,00 per person per night, free for under 18.


Costs are per person per night, for a maximum of 7 nights. The city tax is not applicable to children under 18 years old.


Rooms Min Max
Single 70,00 205,00
Double Classic 80,00 210,00
Double Superior with sea view 95,00 230,00
Double Deluxe 115,00 270,00
Triple Classic 115,00 270,00
Triple Superior with sea view 135,00 290,00


Hotel Prestige, does not charge any additional cost for children under two years, sharing with parents.

  • Additional bed Adult: € 40,00 to be applied to the daily room rate
  • Additional bed Child (from 3 to 12 years): € 30,00 to be applied to the daily room rate
  • Cot : on request and free of charge from 0 to 2 years
  • Parking: €5,00 per day
All the above mentioned supplements include 10% VAT.

Telephone Reservations

You can contact Hotel Prestige booking office by the following contacts

Hotel Prestige Sorrento
Via Nastro Azzurro 23 - 80067 Sorrento (NA)
Tel. +39 081 5330470 or +39 081 533 05 37

Terms & Conditions

To check our Terms and General Conditions, please click here
Pets are not allowed

Hotel Policy

Please click here to download the hotel's policy
Online Check-In

Online Check-In

Book On-Line

No Pets